The City of Wilmington in partnership with the RDC is preparing an EA for the FHWA for the Wilmington Riverfront Infrastructure Project (formally South Market Street Redevelopment Project).
Wilmington Riverfront Transportation Infrastructure Project
(formerly South Market Street Redevelopment Project)
The City of Wilmington in partnership with the Riverfront Development Corporation of Delaware (RDC), is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for the Wilmington Riverfront Transportation Infrastructure Project (formally South Market Street Redevelopment Project). The City is a recipient of federal funds through a US Department of Transportation FY 2021 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant and is therefore an undertaking under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.
The Project is located along the east Christina riverbank in Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware. The Project’s study area extends east from the Christina River to South Market Street and is bound in the south by New Sweden Street.
The purpose of the Wilmington Riverfront Transportation Infrastructure Project to provide transportation infrastructure to further the connectivity of the riverfront area and provide multi-modal avenues. The needs of the project are the following:
- An expanded road network branching from South Market Street west into the project area.
- Pedestrian and cyclist accommodation on new roadways and a new set of pedestrian and bicycle pathways that connect to the existing network of pathways surrounding the site along the Christina riverbank.
- Rehabilitate and create effective stormwater management.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Frequently Asked Questions below provide answers to questions commonly asked by the public at the December 2022 Open House. For any additional questions, feel free to reach out to the project team.
Contact UsWhat is the purpose of the Wilmington Riverfront Transportation Infrastructure Project?
The purpose of the Wilmington Riverfront Transportation Infrastructure Project (formerly South Market Street Redevelopment Project) is to provide transportation infrastructure to further the connectivity of the riverfront area and provide multi-modal resources. The Project study area is shown below.
What is the NEPA process?
The City of Wilmington is a recipient of Federal funds through a U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Fiscal Year 2021 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant. Therefore, an Environmental Assessment (EA) must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended (42 United States Code [U.S.C.] 4321, et seq.), Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations implementing NEPA (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 1500 – 1508), FHWA regulations implementing NEPA (23 CFR 771.119), and applicable Federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), as lead Federal agency; the City of Wilmington, Delaware, as project sponsor and joint lead agency; and in partnership with the Riverfront Development Corporation (RDC), are preparing the Draft EA.
The Draft EA presents the socioeconomic, cultural, natural, and other environmental resources in the Project study area, the anticipated effects to those resources, and measures to avoid, minimize, and mitigate unavoidable effects to those resources. The Draft EA is available for public review and comment under the “Environmental Assessment” tab of this website. Once the comment period closes on May 15, 2024, FHWA and the City will review public feedback and a Final EA will be prepared. FHWA will either issue a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or request for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Throughout the NEPA process, public and stakeholder involvement is essential.
What is the schedule for the Project?
The approximate Project timeline is shown below. The first public meeting for the Project was held in December 2022. Initiation of the NEPA Study and determination to prepare an Environmental Assessment occurred in January 2023. The Draft EA will be available for review starting April 1, 2024. An In-Person Public Hearings have been scheduled for April 15, 2024 and two Virtual Public Hearings have been scheduled for April 17, 2024. The comment period for the Draft EA will close on May 15, 2024 and FHWA will either issue a FONSI or request for the preparation of an EIS in summer 2024.
What are the alternatives being evaluated?
The Draft EA evaluates a No Build and Build Alternative. The No Build Alternative is the current conditions of the Project study area without transportation improvements. This serves as a baseline condition to compare the Build Alternative against. The Build Alternative proposes an expanded road network branching from South Market Street towards the Christina River and replicating the downtown Wilmington grid system in the Project study area. Infrastructure improvements are proposed to create continuity of intersection type/spacing and provide key points of access into the Project study area.. The proposed infrastructure improvements include: replication of the Wilmington street grid; a Riverwalk; new pedestrian and cyclist accommodations that connect to the existing network pathways; repair of the existing bulkhead; construction of a new bulkhead; additional drainage outfalls and tide control valves; and two feet of clean fill beneath the proposed transportation improvements.
Does the Build Alternative consider bicycle and pedestrian improvements?
Yes, the Build Alternative features several bicycle and pedestrian improvements. This includes a Riverwalk with dedicated bicycle lanes, pedestrian and cyclist accommodation on the proposed new roadways, and a new set of pedestrian and bicycle pathways that connect to the existing network of pathways surrounding the Project study area.
What type of development will be built in the South Market Street area?
The Wilmington Riverfront Transportation Infrastructure Project Build Alternative proposes to provide infrastructure improvements that would create continuity of intersection type / space and provide key points of access into the Project study area.
Any future development is not part of the Wilmington Riverfront Infrastructure Project and will be addressed in accordance with the South Market Street Master Plan.
Will development of the South Market Street area impact downtown businesses?
Improved transportation infrastructure proposed within the Wilmington Riverfront Infrastructure Project would create and strengthen connections between downtown Wilmington and the Project area, establishing the area as an extension of downtown. These connections will improve multimodal connectivity and mobility between the areas. However, any future development is not part of the Wilmington Riverfront Infrastructure Project.
How will the Project impact local wildlife?
The Draft EA evaluates environmental impacts to local wildlife, as well as other resources such as socioeconomic and cultural resources, air quality, noise, hazardous materials, wetlands and waterways, and floodplains. Impacts to these resources are summarized in the Draft EA Executive Summary.
Will the Project consider improvements to alleviate flooding in the area?
The Wilmington Riverfront Transportation Infrastructure Project area is located in the 100-year floodplain. The Build Alternative would raise the Project site to a minimum elevation of 18 inches above the 100-year flood elevation in accordance with the City regulations. South Market Street would remain at its current elevation. All proposed outfalls would be designed to discharge above Mean Low Water elevation of the Christina River at higher elevations than existing outfalls. In addition to the higher outfall elevation, there would be tide control valves installed at each outfall to eliminate the backup of the tidal water during the tidal fluctuations. The proposed storm drain and trench drain systems would be designed to provide efficient collection of surface runoff and adequate conveyance of stormwater throughout the Project study area. The separation of storm drain networks and proposed construction of new outfalls would provide an overall improvement to the current drainage conditions to the tidally influenced Christina River throughout the Project study area.
What is the status of the previous Salvation Army property on South Market Street?
The Salvation Army Thrift Store and Adult Rehabilitation Center facility was previously located in the Project study area at 107 South Market Street. The facility moved less than half a mile away in 2022 to 610 South Walnut Street; however the Salvation Army building is still standing at its previous location on South Market Street. After the NEPA process is completed and a final decision is made from FHWA, the building will be demolished, and the property will be further investigated for contaminants and remediated as appropriate.
When will construction for the Project begin?
Construction will begin once the NEPA process is completed. It is expected that FHWA will either issue a FONSI or make a request for an EIS in summer 2024 and transportation improvements will follow afterwards.
How can the public stay informed and provide input on the project?
Current information about the Wilmington Riverfront Transportation Infrastructure Project and opportunities for public involvement are available on the Project website at riverfronteastconnect.com. The public can stay informed on the Project by signing up for project email updates through the project website. E-newsletters will provide the public with study updates and future public meeting information.
In addition, the public is invited to provide input on the Project by email to contact@riverfronteastconnect.com, or on the Project website at riverfronteastconnect.com/contact/.
Get in touch with the project team
The project team is committed to keeping the public informed about this important project. Stay up to date by checking the project website and feel free to reach out to the project team through methods found below.
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