Revised Environmental Assessment
June 28, 2024

Following the analysis of potential environmental impacts of the proposed Wilmington Riverfront Transportation Infrastructure Project (formerly known as the South Market Street Redevelopment Project) presented in the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and comments received from the public and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and City of Wilmington have published a Revised EA.
The Revised EA provides responses to comments received on the Draft EA during the formal comment period that lasted from April 1, 2024 to May 15, 2024. Additionally, the Revised EA presents the final minimization and mitigation measures as a result of the Build Alternative (Preferred Alternative) and additional commitments to the surrounding community made by the City of Wilmington and the Riverfront Development Corporation (RDC).
Based on the Revised EA, the FHWA determined the Build Alternative would not result in significant environmental impacts and issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Project.
Review the Revised Environmental Assessment:
Revised Environmental AssessmentReview the FONSI:
Finding of No Significant ImpactsReview the Revised EA Appendices:
- Appendix A: South Market Street Redevelopment Master Plan Traffic Operational Analysis
- Appendix B: Final Socioeconomic Technical Report
- Appendix C: Final Hazardous Materials Survey Technical Report
- Appendix D: Final Noise Technical Report
- Appendix E: Final Air Quality Technical Report
- Appendix F: Final Architectural Evaluation-Level Survey Technical Report
- Appendix G: Final Phase IA Archaeological Assessment
- Appendix H: Final Section 106 Programmatic Agreement
- Appendix I: Final Natural Resources Technical Report
- Appendix J: Final Indirect and Cumulative Effects Technical Report
- Appendix K: Comments and Responses on the March 29, 2024 Draft Environmental Assessment
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